
Eau Claire Weather Prediction
-Gives the weather on campus.  This is the first place I go to to report the day's current conditions.
-National Weather Service forcast for Eau Claire.  Station conditions are generally different from campus, and the predicted weekly weather varies accordingly.  Used to check their predictions against what I can see in the surface and jet stream maps.
-The Weather Channel's current surface map.  Shows the presence of high and low pressure systems in the country, as well as the locations of the fronts and their direction.  In my opinion, the most important map for predicting weather.
-National Weather Service "predicted" surface map.  This shows the NWS's prediction, for the day, of what they think will happen; where the rain will be, where the snow will fall, etc.  Can be messy; lots of lines and areas drawn all over the map, and it's just a prediction, not the actual conditions.  Generally avoided for use.
-Unisys surface weather station conditions; gives wind speed and direction, and cloud cover.  This shows what the wind systems are doing across the country; very good at showing the patterns of flow, i.e. air masses and interactions with pressure systems.
-Unisys surface station conditions, Eau Claire area.  Zoomed in look at our area.  I use this primarily for determining cloud cover.
-Jet Stream map; shows upper air currents.  These are generally high speed and horizontal flowing, but can be shaped into high pressure ridges and low pressure troughs, wherein surface conditions tend to hold steady.  Second most useful weather prediction map after the current surface map.
-Animated map that shows the weather for the past 3 hours, as well as a prediction for the next 6.  Can be zoomed in and out on any part of the country, and can show radar (approaching storms), temperature, or cloud cover.  Very useful, especially for estimating how long until a storm hits, or what the temperature will be like as the day (or night) goes on. 

Just For Fun
-Weather news, headline style.  Shows where the big hitting events took place or are shaping up to.  Good articles and graphics.
-Current temperatures for the world.  Any region can be chosen to zoom in on.  See what the weather is like around the globe.
-Enter a city, tells you what Star Wars planet's conditions are most like their current weather
-Enter a city, tells you if it's raining there or not